Programming Group

Prof. Dr. Guido Salvaneschi

Prof. Dr. Guido Salvaneschi
Head of the Programming Group

School of Computer Science
Office 64-114
Torstrasse 25
9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

“Where should I go?” – Alice.
“That depends on where you want to end up.” – The Cheshire Cat.
— Lewis Carroll

Welcome to the Programming Group! We are part of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). Together we enjoy working on Programming Languages and Software Engineering, including languages and architectures for Distributed Systems, Reactive Programming, DevOps Organizations, and Secure Software Systems.

Talk to us or join our group when you are interested in these topics or our work. Students at the University of St. Gallen, please find our courses, theses, and jobs.


Jun 2024 We have plenty of contributions at PLDI ‘24 📣 MSc George Zakhour will present Automated Verification of Fundamental Algebraic Laws in the PLDI main track and Disequalities in E-Graphs: An Experiment in the EGRAPHS workshop. PhD Pascal Weisenburger will present Exploring Algebraic Placement in Multiparty Languages in the Choreographic Programming workshop. See you in Denmark 🇩🇰
May 2024 MSc Jahrim Gabriele Cesario joined our group as a PhD student 👋
Apr 2024 MSc Daniel Sokolowski successfully defended his PhD. Congratulations Daniel! 🥂🧑‍🎓
Apr 2024 Our paper on Automated Infrastructure as Code Program Testing with ProTI has been accepted as a journal first paper at the TSE journal 🎉
Apr 2024 SNF supports our project ‘Consistency Programming for Local First Software’ with 1M CHF! Lots of cool stuff ahead including abstractions for local-first software, CRDTs, consistency levels, verification of replicated data structures, and privacy-preserving data pods.
Apr 2024 Our paper on the Automated Verification of Fundamental Algebraic Laws with Propel has been accepted at PLDI ‘24 📣
Apr 2024 We are at MSR ‘24 and ICSE ‘24 in Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹, where MSc Daniel Sokolowski will present our PIPr Dataset of Public Infrastructure as Code Programs and the poster Unleashing the Giants: Enabling Advanced Testing for Infrastructure as Code 🗣️
Feb 2024 The book on Active Object Languages: Current Research Trends with our chapter Bridging Between Active Objects: Multitier Programming for Distributed, Concurrent Systems is out 📣📕
Jan 2024 Our paper on The PIPr Dataset of Public Infrastructure as Code Programs has been accepted at the tools and datasets track at MSR ‘24 🎉
Jan 2024 Prof. Dr. Guido Salvaneschi and MSc Daniel Sokolowski presented ProTI in Infrastructure as Code Programs: How to Test, Finally at the Voxxed Days Ticino 🗣️📊

