MSc Christoph Bühler

MSc Christoph Bühler

MSc Christoph Bühler

School of Computer Science
Torstrasse 25
9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

I joined the Programming Group as a Research Assistant in July 2024. My Master Thesis of the university of applied science OST (former HSR) resolved around identity security and authentication in heterogenuous systems. In September 2024, I will enroll at the HSG for a Masters Degree in Computer Science with the goal of becoming a PhD student in the future.

My research interests regard software engineering and programming languages in general, software and system security, and infrastructure as code.


  1. MSR
    TerraDS: A Dataset for Terraform HCL Programs
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 22nd International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), MSR, 2025